The definitive low cost common sense method to reach your health and fat loss goals.

Keto Knowledge


*If you follow the Kommon $ense Keto Expert Plan, you can lose up to 20 lbs in 30 Days.

Keto Plans


Your weight loss and nutritional health journey cannot begin until you beat your sugar dependency.

Hungry for More
What is Nutritional Keto

The number one and absolutely critical component of Nutritional Ketogenics is breaking sugar addiction. Freedom from sugar addiction is essential to optimal ketosis and without it, your body will continue to deteriorate and excess fat will continue to grow.


Nutritional Ketogenics is focused on getting healthy to lose weight versus losing weight to get healthy.  It centers on the proper nutritional aspects of the Ketogenic diet that promotes the optimal function of organs and internal systems to restore strength and resilience.


Nutritional Ketogenics is a lifestyle. It is a journey that to proper nutrition and natural weight management with a host of health benefits. It’s about eating to live versus living to eat. You won’t deny yourself anything except foods that poison the body and mind.


If you have heard it once, you have heard it 1000 times, eat right and exercise. Well it’s true and it is that simple. The difference is, Kommon $ense Keto has a proven easy to follow method to get the best results in the shortest time to fit your schedule.

About K$K

K$K Story

We speak from experience. Our Keto journey taught us a lot and inspired us to start Kommon $ense Keto. Affordable healthcare starts at home.

Our Mission

To guide people through their individual Ketogenic health and fitness journey, for life. Healthcare costs becomes less of an issue if we stop health conditions before they start.

K$K Beliefs

We believe that everyone should be in perfect health and at their perfect weight, whatever that should be. Never be anyone else but yourself.

The Nutritional Ketogenic diet is a proven method to lose weight and heal your body.
Get Your Veggies
More than Bacon
Say Cheese
Delicious Meals
Healthy Fats
Lifestyle & Dine Out
Scale Back
Pain & Gain
Healthy Heart Mind & Spirit
Achieve Your Goals
Ketogenic Plans & Services

Free: Keto Beginners Guide – CLICK HERE!!!

Gain the health and lose the fat. The Keto Beginners Guide is a great way to get started in the Keto Lifestyle. It will help you identify exactly what you need to do to break your sugar addiction and what to foods to eat to begin your Keto journey.

Advanced Keto Plan (COMING SOON)

The Advanced Keto Plan will take you to the next level of the Ketogenic Journey. It will teach you how to achieve significant health benefits by reversing chronic ailments, such as diabetes, arthritis, inflammation, joint pain, etc., plus massive amount of weight loss.

Expert & Maintenance Keto Plan (COMING SOON)

The Expert and Maintenance Keto Plan are for those serious about their health, fitness and weight management for living and for life. This plan provides both the science and the procedures necessary to maintain the Keto lifestyle while achieving the results to keep happy healthy and whole forever.

Ketogenic Support (COMING SOON)

Kommon $ense Keto is here to help ensure your Nutritional Ketogenic plan stays on track and yields the results you expect and need. We provide consulting services including direct chat, conference calls, webinars, evaluations, analysis and other personalized services designed to optimize your efforts for the long-term.

K$K Success Stories

I weighed 300 lbs. with size 44-inch waist, was pre-diabetic, with arthritis, severe joint pain, insulin resistant, hypo thyroid, required prednisone for knee swelling and pain, chronic inflammation, and a host of other issues. After 7 months on Keto, I lost 85 lbs. with a 34-inch waist and all my health issues are gone. When every other diet failed me leaving me unhealthy, Nutritional Ketogenics worked for me making me incredibly grateful and blessed.


Business owner

I am 78 years young and a cancer survivor and wanted a fresh healthy start in my life, one that would keep cancer and other health issues at bay. I started Keto for health reasons and the 35-lbs I lost was icing on the low-carb cake. My health is much better now, and my biggest concern are the new clothes I must buy. I have been taken off multiple medications and the inflammation from my arthritis has been greatly reduced. My doctors constantly ask, “what are you doing, you look so much better and your tests are amazing?” I simply tell them… It’s Keto.




I have been thin all my life and never had a problem with weight. However, after my second child I could not seem to shed the weight. Honestly, I only need to lose about 20-lbs so I thought I could do it on my own and i tried many different things like calorie restriction diets, eating once a day and even visited a nutritionist for help. None of these options worked for me, however once I discovered Keto, within two months I lost all the weight I wanted to and achieved my goal. Also, I felt healthier, clearer mind and more focused, not to mention my skin got better. Don’t believe the haters about Keto, it works!


Executive Admin
Contact us
Keto Bytes
We want to hear from you, please let us know what you think and how we can assist you start, and more importantly complete your Keto journey.
Contact Info

  Adress: 100 24th Street West, Suite 1-1027, Billings Montana 59102

  Telephone: +1 800.399.0535

  Email: info@kommonsenseketo.com

Recent blog posts

Strength Training Essential

Nutritional Keto is a major step toward good health, but exercise is very important as well. In particular strength training. It will not only build muscle which is the key aspect of any balanced and healthy life, however it also produces a tremendous cardio impact as well.

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Woman & Weightlifting

Woman have often been relegated to cardio and light strength training, however that needs to change. Woman increasingly are seeing the benefits of weight lifting to build muscle. While they will not be bulky in most cases, it will provide a sexy toned look and provide the physical power they need for everyday tasks. 

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Sugar Epidemic

It’s time we start being honest, and if no one else will say it I will.. Sugar is the Crack Cocaine of our generation. It is the addiction we cannot escape and it starts when we are babies. Our society practically mandates you eat this crystal meth and it only gets worse from there. If you can’t break the sugar habit or get the monkey off your back, your health will forever be compromised.

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We truly care about people struggling with health and weight problems. We are committed to making your Keto journey successful as you achieve your health and weight loss goals.

About K$K

K$K is dedicated to helping everyday people achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals because we are people who have lived the same struggle as our members.

Contact Info

  Adress: 100 24th Street West, Suite 1-1-027, Billings, Montana 59102

  Email: info@kommonsenseketo.com